An App that Inspires and Encourages Positive Beliefs

Send & Release is a journaling app for mental wellness that helps you surround yourself with empowering beliefs. 

Journaling Supercharged with Stress Relief

Journaling has been clinically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve blood pressure. Send & Release adds additional stress relief strategies to be even more effective.

Identify & Reverse Limiting Beliefs

The limiting belief assistant allows you to analyze thoughts and find potentially unhelpful ways of thinking. It also guides you in more empowered ways of thinking.

What Makes Us Different

Pattern Interrupt Disempowering Thoughts

Jouranling is great, but what happens when you get in a negative thought spiral?
Leveraging cognitive behavioral therapy tools, you can program Send & Release to search for certain disempowering phrases and remind yourself of helpful thoughts instead.

Identify Limiting Beliefs

Not sure what disempowering thoughts you're telling yourself?
Our AI Assistant can not only identify limiting beliefs but also helps guide you with helpful questions to find answers that are relevant for you.

A Repository of Strategies

There are tons of strategies out there for stress relief. But how to know when to use what?
Send & Release stores 100's of strategies you can use in all situations to pattern interrupt while you're journaling and find immediate stress relief
“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.”
-Christina Baldwin

Our Values

Built for the Modern World

No matter where in the world you are, stress follows. That's why we designed Send & Release as an innocuous text messaging app. Whether you're in public, with friends, or alone, you can comfortably journal and see stress relief immediately.

Your Data, Your Privacy

Your journal is for your eyes only. Your data is stored locally on your iPhone or in your iCloud, which means only you have access to your data. We will never access or view your private journaling conversations.

AI Designed Ethically

We believe true empowerment and personal growth happens when YOU do the work and discover answers yourself. That's why we designed our AI to be a helpful assistant that provides guidance and not act as a therapy replacement.

Find Your Empowered Self

Send & Release is a free writing app supercharged with multiple stress relieving tools including pattern interrupt messages, limiting belief assistant, and a warehouse of stress relieving strategies from different disciplines.

Download today to start seeing stress relief immediately!